Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Our PRP treatment can rejuvenate skin concerns, reduce dark under-eyes, pore size, scars, lines and wrinkles and its available at our clinic in Southampton, Hampshire today!
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prp platelet rich plasma southampton

PRP Treatment in Southampton, Hampshire

PRP treatment is an autologous procedure meaning ‘from your own body’ that involves a small amount of blood being drawn from the body before being processed using a machine to separate the platelet-rich plasma in the blood. The plasma is then injected back into the skin/problem area using a small needle and micro-needle.

Plasma found in blood is high in cell growth factors, which can rejuvenate skin concerns, reduce dark under-eyes, pore size, scars, lines and wrinkles.

PRP for hair loss, injecting plasma into the scalp and hair follicles will reduce hair loss and encourage new hair to grow.

We do not recommend this treatment if you have had problems in the past with giving blood, please come to your appointment hydrated. If we can’t take your blood you’ll be offered an alternative treatment.

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prp treatment injection

Natural Skin Rejuvenation

One of the main benefits of PRP treatment is its natural approach to skin rejuvenation. Since the platelet-rich plasma is derived from the patient's own blood, there is lower risk of allergic reactions or adverse side effects.

The growth factors present in the plasma work to improve the skin's texture, tone, and elasticity, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars. Additionally, PRP treatment can enhance the overall complexion and promote a more radiant and youthful glow.

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prp southampton hair thinning baldness treatement

PRP Treatment FAQ's

Numbing is applied to help with discomfort.
We recommend 4-6 treatments for hair loss, 4 weeks part. After 6 months new hair follicles will start to come through.
Yes you will be red and sensitive to heat and UV rays. We recommend 2-4 days downtime, no make up, sun exposure.
Yes you can, we recommend waiting 3 months after a hair transplant.
Yes please ensure you drink plenty of water the day before and the same day as your treatment, please eat before your appointment.
Yes you can bruise from the injections, especially if we are treating the under-eyes.


Rachael Katie Cosmetics offers a range of non-surgical cosmetic procedures to keep you looking and feeling at your best

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